Monday, February 4, 2013

The Fall of Al Qaeda?

Is Al Qaeda still a threat to the world?


    So this seems like a good topic to discuss this week.  Is this core superpower terrorist group still a threat to the U.S., or anyone for that matter.  Well let's explore the recent facts.  Since the tragedy of 9/11, There has not been a single successful attack on us soil, that’s 12 years.  Since the Bombing of London's transport service there has not been a major attack in Europe for 8 years.  Since the War on Terrorism began in 2002, The rate of suicide bombings has greatly decreased down to a minimal number.  Less and Less do you turn the television on and hear about bombings around the world.  This is a good sign that This elite terrorist group is crumbling, more so in the past year and a half since the death of their leader Osama Bin Laden. 
    When Bin Laden was killed, the world feared that his "martyrdom" would wreak havoc and Al Qaeda everywhere would just start blowing up everyone and everything, but nothing happened.  Since 2008, President Barrack Obama's tenure, The U.S. Military has been able to successfully seek and destroy 38 Al Qaeda leaders.  Let's put it this way, say we have a small group of terrorist and they see their fearless leader gunned down along with 38 other leaders of their group.  With no one to keep them grounded and rally orders out, this group will not last very long.  The most they may be able to do is attempt to plan their own "solo" attack, but will most likely be either ineffective, or get caught trying due to the world major powers attempting to prevent attacks. 

    What about all the other small splinter cells of Al Qaeda?  Well, most of them have been either destroyed or the last few remaining members have gone into hiding.  Jemaah Ialamiah, Abu Sayyaf Group, The Pakistan Taliban, and AQAP have been mostly destroyed by countries who have searched and captured all of their top officials rendering these groups obsolete. 
    And then there is AQIM who I recently heard about.  This group runs the northern Africa cell, but after being together for over seven years, has only carried out the attack on the Algerian Gas Facility, which did not have a major impact.

    So the dire question is, Are they going extinct?  I say yes, slowly this group will meet its demise and never rise again and become a tale of stories like the Vikings, At first they were strong and later they fell.  So here is the real kicker and twist to this story…With Al Qaeda diminishing and the recent attacks from KDHP-C, does this enter the next age of terrorist groups?  Will KDHP-C be the next Al Qaeda, or even the next KGB?  Are the cold war groups coming out of hiding to strike?  Only time will tell, but I will keep looking into it.


Victor Out

Friday, February 1, 2013

U.S. Embassy attack, who's to Blame?

The attack on U.S. Embassy in Turkey, they say its DHKP-C, is it?


First of all, excuse the strange text background, Blogger has been having issues all day.

So here's the latest scoop on world news.  On Friday Feb 1st, a bomber, now possibly named as 

 Ecevit Shanli, walked up to a guard check point entrance outside the U.S. Embassy and blew himself up.  The news and other organizations are calling this a terrorist act claimed by DHKP-C.  First of all, who the hell are these people?  Well, they originated way back in the Kennedy days during the cold war.  DHKP-C has a good track record for being a "sub contractor" for terrorist groups and militant outfits and has also been believed to have some ties to Syria and Iran.  DHKP-C also has a relationship with the Turkish Kurdish separatist group PKK, which is also close to the Syrian government. About one-third of the PKK's fighters are said to be Syria..  DHKP-C is usually viscerally hostile to the Turkish state, the United States and NATO, and has had links with the far-left in Europe.

Now, they are saying that they do not believe that DHKP-C has any ties to al Qaeda, but who really knows these days.  Governments keep that kind of info on the down low.  But enough news garble, let's get down to the nitty gritty. 


First off, I want to know who names these groups, really.  Who sat there for hours and came up with the name DHKP-C?  that doesn't sound threatening at all to me, sounds like a really hard acronym to remember.   Back in the day real groups that actually were real threats to society had decent names. 


Ok, back to history time.  Here is some background info I found on this Ecevit character, source was CNN.



" Shanli received bomb-making training somewhere in Europe in the mid-1990s, according to Hasam Selim Ozertem, a security expert at the International Strategic Research Organization in Ankara. Turkish officials say that as a result of counterterrorism operations on Turkish soil, DHKP-C became increasingly active among the Turkish diaspora in Europe.

Shanli returned to Turkey in 1997 and was subsequently involved in attacks on the Istanbul police headquarters and senior military officials using anti-tank weapons. After being arrested, Shanli went on a lengthy hunger strike and was released from jail in 2002 because of a neurological disorder.

DHKP-C has been active for more than 30 years and espouses a Marxist-Leninist philosophy reminiscent of the Cold War. It grew out of another far-left group, Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary Left), formed when Turkey was in political turmoil, with clashes between militant left- and right-wing groups undermining a weak political system. Devrimci Sol claimed responsibility for gun attacks that killed two Americans, including a U.S. military employee, and an attack that wounded a U.S. military officer in early 1991 in protest of the Gulf War.

Among other attacks attributed to the DHKP-C was the assassination of a former justice minister, Mehmet Topac, in 1994, as well as the murders of a number of senior police and military officials and, 1996, a prominent businessman, Ozdemir Sabanci.

Among its more recent operations was an attempt to kill another former justice minister, Hikmet Sami Turk, in 2009. The female suicide bombers main explosive charge did not go off."


HOLD UP!  So let me get this straight…Because Shanil had a neurological disorder they just released him from prison?  WTF? And here I thought America's prison system was stupid.   This needs to be highlighted - After being arrested, Shanli went on a lengthy hunger strike and was released from jail in 2002 because of a neurological disorder.  Ok world, what's wrong with this sentence?  So now I don't feel as bad for Turkey anymore, they are the ones who let this idiot out of jail in the first place.  Well…I thought I was going to have a great debate topic for this one, but obviously not a single news channel caught this one.  So here is Victors run down of this tragic day;


1997: Turkey arrests Shanil

2002: Turkey released Shanil due to Neurological Disorder

2013: Shanil blows up and embassy

Future: who is going to get the blame?  Not Turkey, they will blame DHKP-C

Moral of this story…Turkey needs to re-do their prison system, Victor out!
Also here is a link to the screen shot of the website that shows Turkey released Shanil

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Expanded out

Victor here, its been a while since I wrote anything here.  Life has brought many curveballs and roadblocks in my way, but i have managed to overcome them and i will now continue to write here on a regular basis.  You can also now find me on facebook using this link Https://

More people use facebook than G+ so i have expanded to reach the rest of the world who need to hear my message. Spread the word, the truth is coming.  It is time for society to step back and see what the world really is, protected under a government shell of lies, deception, and chaos.

It is coming...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Guns...more important to discuss than the Fiscal cliff that got pushed to the

The Debate on Gun Control

Gun control...really? This is the best topic the society could come up with even weeks after the Connecticut shooting? WOW...very sad. So it's time for Victor to blow your mind away with some good facts to know about guns, people, 2nd amendment right, and criminals.

Let's start off with guns.


1. a weapon consisting of a metal tube, with mechanical attachments, from which projectiles are shot by the force of an explosive; a piece of ordnance.

2.any portable firearm, as a rifle, shotgun, or revolver.

3.a long-barreled cannon having a relatively flat trajectory.

4.any device for shooting something under pressure: a paint gun; a staple gun.

5.Slang. a person whose profession is killing; professional killer: a gangland gun.

So to start off, nowhere in this definition does it state the purpose of what a gun is for. Most people would say it's for self defense, hunting, sport. But what was its sole purpose in history and who invented it? Easy, the Chinese. "Firearms were invented in the 12th century in China, after the Chinese had invented gunpowder in the 9th century, These inventions were later transmitted to the Middle East and to Europe. The direct ancestor of the firearm is the fire lance, a black powder-filled tube attached to the end of a spear and used as a flamethrower was sometimes placed in the barrel so that it would fly out together with the flames." So to start off, if you want to blame someone start with china…oh wait hold on. I think I remember an article I read a few weeks back right after the Connecticut shooting from the leader of china to America. I believe he said that we need to control our gun output to the American people so we don't have as many deaths by guns. Well china, your ancestors are to blame for the invention of gunpowder AND guns, so start by blaming yourselves before you blame Americas 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

Now that guns are taken care of let's move to people/criminals. 99% of criminals who kill with guns have obtained them any way possible. Does the American government really think they are going to be able to stop all deaths by guns just by simply making stricter gun laws…I don't think so. If someone wants something bad enough they will work to great lengths to get it, it's human nature. Take us as Americans as an example. We wanted freedom from Europe and did whatever it took to obtain it, and guess what…it worked! With billions of guns and ammo floating around the world today, it would almost be impossible to stop gun trafficking and even if it could be done, then they better also lock up all the gunsmiths in the world, burn every gun making book, whip gun blueprints off the internet and everyone's computers, and while man kinds knowledge of guns in order to stop people from making homemade guns, which if not made properly could be more deadly than real guns. Face it it's impossible to stop deaths by guns. The best thing the world can do is not force people to give guns back to the government, but how about teaching people proper gun safety, duh!

Treat it like sex end, if we can teach people at a young age the proper way to handle a firearm and safely use it with teaching wrong and rights, maybe we could stop some gun deaths. It would also be a very good early stage to detect people who may be thinking about using guns to harm people, it just makes since. When sex end reached the classroom it was to teach us the rights and wrongs of sex and how to protect ourselves from STD's and safe ways to have sex. Now don't get started on the fact that many people think it's not working because so many young teens are getting pregnant. If you research back far enough into culture, most teenagers were considered adults by the age of 14, and if they don't act like adults because you think our society is corrupted, then your also wrong. Most of the time parents/guardians are the ones to blame for not teaching their children how to be responsible in the future and take care of themselves. We have some may amenities at our disposal that not only are parents getting lazy with doing things, children see this and follow in their footsteps. So if you have a arrogant child who is not responsible and is a lazy POS, blame yourself first.

Back to guns though…the early American fore fathers thought that the 2nd amendment was the right thing to do for the country at the time…as far as I can tell nothing has changed. People everyday keep guns around and use them to protect themselves, family, and property for all the right reasons and guess what…you never hear about those people. Never do you hear how some 80 year old man saved the day at a robbery in a casino because he had a weapon and scared robbers away before they harmed anyone(yes this recently happened). The news and the government only tell you about the worse cases in almost everything. There is a lot of good out there that never hits the airways.

So you may be wondering where I am going with this topic that seems to have jumped all over the place and then back again. Well here it is; since the 2nd amendment was put in place a long ass time ago, there is nothing you can do about trying to stop people from having guns. Use that billion dollars that you were going to put towards a bank bailout and put it into gun safety. Make it a mandatory class just like drivers training. Could you imagine a world with untrained drivers? Holy shit you wouldn't see me near a road! Same way goes for guns, since there is a large group of people around the world who are too lazy, arrogant, and unwilling to take full responsibility for gun ownership and safety.

Regulate firearm safety, not guns!