Thursday, September 13, 2012

Trying to make puzzle pieces fit where they don't belong

The Puzzle that world leaders still can't put together


World leaders of all types; Presidents, Kings, Queens, Lords, Parliaments, Rulers, Tribal Leaders, Warlords, Free Masons, Emperors, Popes, Princes, Princess. Doesn't matter what they are referred to from society, not a single one of them in today's age knows how to successfully run a country that can co-inside with the rest of the world without going to war, stealing oil, taking land, assisting other countries in civil wars instead of restoring order. In the past 100 years since World War I, the average country in the world has assisted in some type of war at least once, some (like America) feel like they need to assist in everything and control all. In my opinion, and probably many others, we tried to solve that problem after the first major war when we as a world put into order NATO. NATO is (or was) suppose to be the peace keepers of the world. members from all countries who elect to participate, unless shunned, come together to solve the world's problems. So tell me why is it the US still gets involved in every major conflict in the world, not NATO, Tries to make peace talks with other neighboring countries at war, not NATO, and still tries to tell every country besides a very select few that they cannot hold nuclear weapons...not NATO. Does anyone else see a recurring problem here?

NATO should be in charge of the box with all the puzzle pieces in it and before trying to place one somewhere, ask the rest of the society where it should go, more than likely they know where it fits better than they do anyway. to make matters better, stop letting the US touch the pieces, slap their hands and say NO! When a new piece is placed, let's take for instance the new problem in Libya. Everything there has been calm since they elected a new Muslim president in Egypt...good for them! Then some cracker head asshole with a name that doesn't exist anywhere makes a movie bashing Islam...C'mon like we haven't done enough bad rep to their name as it is. So, they revolt in anger and take it out on the US Embassy and kill the diplomat...can anyone guess what's going to happen next? NATO is going to fix it...WRONG! The US sends warships and marines. WOW I am sooooo shocked....not really. First of all what should of taken place is movies bashing religion of any type should be outlawed because I guarantee if they made a movie about catholic priests being gay and molesting children they would of done the same thing, revolt. Since its already taken place, the US needs to stop trying to show off their super force to the world and just charge at every country that threatens us and attempt to resolve the situation with a little known fact to most political figures and "Communicate with the people, listen, and do what they ask" more than likely that could have diverted a couple of war ships and saved Americas ever-growing debt from a few million to a Skype conversation, maybe cost like five bucks a month, I don't know I never use it.

So where does all this tie into the puzzle of the world. Well its simple the puzzle is that 99% of world leaders don't listen and act on what their people ask for. They try to do what THEY BELIEVE is in our best interests but ultimately fail the majority of the time. Instead of trying to cram a piece where it doesn't belong, think about where it goes first, look at the surrounding, the pros and cons of putting that piece there. Sometimes it's better to start at one end of a puzzle than another or do the outer edge first and then the rest will slowly fall into place. Just like the Leaders of the world should do.

· First put together your edge; Find out what the overlying problem is with your country and fix that first.

· if you find a piece that fits inside the edge, hold it off to the side; Don't divert from your original plan, it only screws it up worse and then you lose track of your goal

· once the edge is complete, use the pieces you set off to the side; Now that your society is back in a stable balance and working again, keep it going by fixing the other problems

· Last, fill in the remaining gaps and watch your puzzle fall into place; Your society is stable again, now add the good parts and watch it flourish

LOOK! A complete puzzle, and you didn't even have to jam a single piece into place. Now if I could only get this 4th grade lesson into a few brains of our world leaders, maybe we could un-screw our world for our future generation instead of leaving them with broken puzzle pieces, stained in blood, too broke to buy the ones we lost, and ridiculed with bullet holes, deficits, and shattered economies.

I hope someone reads this today and just realizes how easy it can be to fix even the toughest problems in the world, even if it's been stewing for over 100 years.

And Please pass this Blog on to as many people as you can. we need the whole world to come together if we are going to fix this problem ourselves since our leaders won't do it. So I think my next post will be about how we as a world society can do even the smallest of things to start and turn our world around. I am also open to discuss other topics anyone may have out there. If you do happen to not agree with anything I have said, that fine you're not going to hurt my feelings.

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