Monday, February 4, 2013

The Fall of Al Qaeda?

Is Al Qaeda still a threat to the world?


    So this seems like a good topic to discuss this week.  Is this core superpower terrorist group still a threat to the U.S., or anyone for that matter.  Well let's explore the recent facts.  Since the tragedy of 9/11, There has not been a single successful attack on us soil, that’s 12 years.  Since the Bombing of London's transport service there has not been a major attack in Europe for 8 years.  Since the War on Terrorism began in 2002, The rate of suicide bombings has greatly decreased down to a minimal number.  Less and Less do you turn the television on and hear about bombings around the world.  This is a good sign that This elite terrorist group is crumbling, more so in the past year and a half since the death of their leader Osama Bin Laden. 
    When Bin Laden was killed, the world feared that his "martyrdom" would wreak havoc and Al Qaeda everywhere would just start blowing up everyone and everything, but nothing happened.  Since 2008, President Barrack Obama's tenure, The U.S. Military has been able to successfully seek and destroy 38 Al Qaeda leaders.  Let's put it this way, say we have a small group of terrorist and they see their fearless leader gunned down along with 38 other leaders of their group.  With no one to keep them grounded and rally orders out, this group will not last very long.  The most they may be able to do is attempt to plan their own "solo" attack, but will most likely be either ineffective, or get caught trying due to the world major powers attempting to prevent attacks. 

    What about all the other small splinter cells of Al Qaeda?  Well, most of them have been either destroyed or the last few remaining members have gone into hiding.  Jemaah Ialamiah, Abu Sayyaf Group, The Pakistan Taliban, and AQAP have been mostly destroyed by countries who have searched and captured all of their top officials rendering these groups obsolete. 
    And then there is AQIM who I recently heard about.  This group runs the northern Africa cell, but after being together for over seven years, has only carried out the attack on the Algerian Gas Facility, which did not have a major impact.

    So the dire question is, Are they going extinct?  I say yes, slowly this group will meet its demise and never rise again and become a tale of stories like the Vikings, At first they were strong and later they fell.  So here is the real kicker and twist to this story…With Al Qaeda diminishing and the recent attacks from KDHP-C, does this enter the next age of terrorist groups?  Will KDHP-C be the next Al Qaeda, or even the next KGB?  Are the cold war groups coming out of hiding to strike?  Only time will tell, but I will keep looking into it.


Victor Out

Friday, February 1, 2013

U.S. Embassy attack, who's to Blame?

The attack on U.S. Embassy in Turkey, they say its DHKP-C, is it?


First of all, excuse the strange text background, Blogger has been having issues all day.

So here's the latest scoop on world news.  On Friday Feb 1st, a bomber, now possibly named as 

 Ecevit Shanli, walked up to a guard check point entrance outside the U.S. Embassy and blew himself up.  The news and other organizations are calling this a terrorist act claimed by DHKP-C.  First of all, who the hell are these people?  Well, they originated way back in the Kennedy days during the cold war.  DHKP-C has a good track record for being a "sub contractor" for terrorist groups and militant outfits and has also been believed to have some ties to Syria and Iran.  DHKP-C also has a relationship with the Turkish Kurdish separatist group PKK, which is also close to the Syrian government. About one-third of the PKK's fighters are said to be Syria..  DHKP-C is usually viscerally hostile to the Turkish state, the United States and NATO, and has had links with the far-left in Europe.

Now, they are saying that they do not believe that DHKP-C has any ties to al Qaeda, but who really knows these days.  Governments keep that kind of info on the down low.  But enough news garble, let's get down to the nitty gritty. 


First off, I want to know who names these groups, really.  Who sat there for hours and came up with the name DHKP-C?  that doesn't sound threatening at all to me, sounds like a really hard acronym to remember.   Back in the day real groups that actually were real threats to society had decent names. 


Ok, back to history time.  Here is some background info I found on this Ecevit character, source was CNN.



" Shanli received bomb-making training somewhere in Europe in the mid-1990s, according to Hasam Selim Ozertem, a security expert at the International Strategic Research Organization in Ankara. Turkish officials say that as a result of counterterrorism operations on Turkish soil, DHKP-C became increasingly active among the Turkish diaspora in Europe.

Shanli returned to Turkey in 1997 and was subsequently involved in attacks on the Istanbul police headquarters and senior military officials using anti-tank weapons. After being arrested, Shanli went on a lengthy hunger strike and was released from jail in 2002 because of a neurological disorder.

DHKP-C has been active for more than 30 years and espouses a Marxist-Leninist philosophy reminiscent of the Cold War. It grew out of another far-left group, Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary Left), formed when Turkey was in political turmoil, with clashes between militant left- and right-wing groups undermining a weak political system. Devrimci Sol claimed responsibility for gun attacks that killed two Americans, including a U.S. military employee, and an attack that wounded a U.S. military officer in early 1991 in protest of the Gulf War.

Among other attacks attributed to the DHKP-C was the assassination of a former justice minister, Mehmet Topac, in 1994, as well as the murders of a number of senior police and military officials and, 1996, a prominent businessman, Ozdemir Sabanci.

Among its more recent operations was an attempt to kill another former justice minister, Hikmet Sami Turk, in 2009. The female suicide bombers main explosive charge did not go off."


HOLD UP!  So let me get this straight…Because Shanil had a neurological disorder they just released him from prison?  WTF? And here I thought America's prison system was stupid.   This needs to be highlighted - After being arrested, Shanli went on a lengthy hunger strike and was released from jail in 2002 because of a neurological disorder.  Ok world, what's wrong with this sentence?  So now I don't feel as bad for Turkey anymore, they are the ones who let this idiot out of jail in the first place.  Well…I thought I was going to have a great debate topic for this one, but obviously not a single news channel caught this one.  So here is Victors run down of this tragic day;


1997: Turkey arrests Shanil

2002: Turkey released Shanil due to Neurological Disorder

2013: Shanil blows up and embassy

Future: who is going to get the blame?  Not Turkey, they will blame DHKP-C

Moral of this story…Turkey needs to re-do their prison system, Victor out!
Also here is a link to the screen shot of the website that shows Turkey released Shanil

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Expanded out

Victor here, its been a while since I wrote anything here.  Life has brought many curveballs and roadblocks in my way, but i have managed to overcome them and i will now continue to write here on a regular basis.  You can also now find me on facebook using this link Https://

More people use facebook than G+ so i have expanded to reach the rest of the world who need to hear my message. Spread the word, the truth is coming.  It is time for society to step back and see what the world really is, protected under a government shell of lies, deception, and chaos.

It is coming...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Guns...more important to discuss than the Fiscal cliff that got pushed to the

The Debate on Gun Control

Gun control...really? This is the best topic the society could come up with even weeks after the Connecticut shooting? WOW...very sad. So it's time for Victor to blow your mind away with some good facts to know about guns, people, 2nd amendment right, and criminals.

Let's start off with guns.


1. a weapon consisting of a metal tube, with mechanical attachments, from which projectiles are shot by the force of an explosive; a piece of ordnance.

2.any portable firearm, as a rifle, shotgun, or revolver.

3.a long-barreled cannon having a relatively flat trajectory.

4.any device for shooting something under pressure: a paint gun; a staple gun.

5.Slang. a person whose profession is killing; professional killer: a gangland gun.

So to start off, nowhere in this definition does it state the purpose of what a gun is for. Most people would say it's for self defense, hunting, sport. But what was its sole purpose in history and who invented it? Easy, the Chinese. "Firearms were invented in the 12th century in China, after the Chinese had invented gunpowder in the 9th century, These inventions were later transmitted to the Middle East and to Europe. The direct ancestor of the firearm is the fire lance, a black powder-filled tube attached to the end of a spear and used as a flamethrower was sometimes placed in the barrel so that it would fly out together with the flames." So to start off, if you want to blame someone start with china…oh wait hold on. I think I remember an article I read a few weeks back right after the Connecticut shooting from the leader of china to America. I believe he said that we need to control our gun output to the American people so we don't have as many deaths by guns. Well china, your ancestors are to blame for the invention of gunpowder AND guns, so start by blaming yourselves before you blame Americas 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

Now that guns are taken care of let's move to people/criminals. 99% of criminals who kill with guns have obtained them any way possible. Does the American government really think they are going to be able to stop all deaths by guns just by simply making stricter gun laws…I don't think so. If someone wants something bad enough they will work to great lengths to get it, it's human nature. Take us as Americans as an example. We wanted freedom from Europe and did whatever it took to obtain it, and guess what…it worked! With billions of guns and ammo floating around the world today, it would almost be impossible to stop gun trafficking and even if it could be done, then they better also lock up all the gunsmiths in the world, burn every gun making book, whip gun blueprints off the internet and everyone's computers, and while man kinds knowledge of guns in order to stop people from making homemade guns, which if not made properly could be more deadly than real guns. Face it it's impossible to stop deaths by guns. The best thing the world can do is not force people to give guns back to the government, but how about teaching people proper gun safety, duh!

Treat it like sex end, if we can teach people at a young age the proper way to handle a firearm and safely use it with teaching wrong and rights, maybe we could stop some gun deaths. It would also be a very good early stage to detect people who may be thinking about using guns to harm people, it just makes since. When sex end reached the classroom it was to teach us the rights and wrongs of sex and how to protect ourselves from STD's and safe ways to have sex. Now don't get started on the fact that many people think it's not working because so many young teens are getting pregnant. If you research back far enough into culture, most teenagers were considered adults by the age of 14, and if they don't act like adults because you think our society is corrupted, then your also wrong. Most of the time parents/guardians are the ones to blame for not teaching their children how to be responsible in the future and take care of themselves. We have some may amenities at our disposal that not only are parents getting lazy with doing things, children see this and follow in their footsteps. So if you have a arrogant child who is not responsible and is a lazy POS, blame yourself first.

Back to guns though…the early American fore fathers thought that the 2nd amendment was the right thing to do for the country at the time…as far as I can tell nothing has changed. People everyday keep guns around and use them to protect themselves, family, and property for all the right reasons and guess what…you never hear about those people. Never do you hear how some 80 year old man saved the day at a robbery in a casino because he had a weapon and scared robbers away before they harmed anyone(yes this recently happened). The news and the government only tell you about the worse cases in almost everything. There is a lot of good out there that never hits the airways.

So you may be wondering where I am going with this topic that seems to have jumped all over the place and then back again. Well here it is; since the 2nd amendment was put in place a long ass time ago, there is nothing you can do about trying to stop people from having guns. Use that billion dollars that you were going to put towards a bank bailout and put it into gun safety. Make it a mandatory class just like drivers training. Could you imagine a world with untrained drivers? Holy shit you wouldn't see me near a road! Same way goes for guns, since there is a large group of people around the world who are too lazy, arrogant, and unwilling to take full responsibility for gun ownership and safety.

Regulate firearm safety, not guns!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


the building block of...everything.

Math is the most important tool at anyone's disposal throughout life.  People criticize how you will never use the stuff you are taught in school, like math.  I would like to prove them wrong.  Math is used everywhere, for everything, by everyone.  You use it at the store, at home, playing games, on your computer, its everywhere.  As strong of a subject as it its, it's not very well pressed by schools in America.  Now why is this?  America, the land of the free and the strong, would also believe it to be the land of the smart too.  Not entirely true.  On the scale of the global school system, the US was rated at 17th for science and math.  That’s horrible.  It's bad when a "super Power" like the US is beat out by a third world country living in grass and mud huts doing trigonometry. 
So why is America at such a low?  Why are there students so dumb?  Well partial is to blame on two fronts.  The first is the parents, the supporters of the kids.  Parents should always be pushing their children at very young ages to learn more and have a successful life, but this is usually not the case.  Which brings me to the second half, Social Media AKA, personal technology.  Students are so lazy these days.  They can be given homework and go Google all the answers and never miss a beat of their favorite TV show, or social media frenzy.  As horrible as it sounds kids should be banned from all technological devices while at school and at home during the school year.  All its doing is corrupting their minds.  People can argue that the internet may help students achieve more since they are able to have more info at their fingertips, but I will argue that every city has a library, tell them to use their fingertips and flip open a book.  Einstein didn't become smart with Google, his smarts came from reading books and studying. 
But back to math, it's one of the only subjects that I believe schools should enforce a b- or better to pass and graduate high school.  Yes this may sound harsh, but I am embarrassed for all the people I have meet over my travels of the world who can't do simple math.  94% of Americans I have meet cannot do some/all forms of simple math, but other countries citizens are able to do complex math equations in seconds without blinking.  It's incredible.  Lets share a short story.  I helped a friend out a couple years ago that was American with a test he had coming up.  It was all simple algebra and a few minor calculus questions.  Some of it was even pre-algebra, and he couldn't even get a 10% on the practice test.  It took me 2 weeks of constant studying with him day and night to get him to a 80% pass rate on the test.  The same day he took his test, a Australian fella was in there taking the test as well.  He scored an 82% while the man from Australia got a 99%.  This was the first time I realized how bad Americans couldn't do math. 
So here is my proposement!  This is for everyone of my readers, I challenge you to go a step ahead in your math level within the next 6 months.  There is no tangible prize or reward for this other than the fact that you are now that much smarter than the rest of the people around you.  For those who have feel they have reached their maximum math proficiency, Mostly people who have done Quantum Mechanics, I have a challenge for you as well.  Solve the math equation at the top of this post and then tell me what type of equation it is and what theory it is used for and who made it.  If you can complete all that then I will give you a math equation that took me 3 years to solve and see how good you can do.  No cheating!  Challenge yourself to these challenges, don't give up, no online searching for anything, use only books and calculators.  Good Luck!

Friday, September 14, 2012

 Changing Society


Ok so my last blog I mentioned I was going to discuss ways we can help change society and bring back our world to a stable order without having to rely on the political world.   Well here it is.


Let's start out with a few articles I read online.  I took some time out of my busy day to research what other people had in mind about how they could change the world.  Well I got to tell you, I found some interesting stuff out there.  Some good, most just bad.  Let's start off with my first site I visited,  really?  Since when did wiki start giving advice on how to change the world.  Most of the things they listed were reasonable, but they are the same things everyone tells you to do to help change the world.  I don't want to change the world, I want to FIX IT!  So here is what they suggested and I will put my own opinion on the list.  It covers 12 different ways to change.


1.    Volunteer:  ok here's the deal.  Lots of people volunteer every day, school, work, blood drives, shelters, ext, but what most people need in our crashed society is money.  It's hard to find free labor these days, so I am counting this one out. 


2.    Petition, charity, donate, fundraiser:  Sounds like a repeat of No. 1 to me except instead of giving up not only time now you're going to give your money away.  I could see this for some stinking rich benign ass, but those are slim around here.  PASS


3.    Shop carefully:  everyone these days shops carefully already squeezing every penny out of a coupon or sale to save a buck.  I didn't see this at first as a great method for saving a society until I thought of it another way.  My favorite method of shopping is bartering.  Trading something I have for something I need.  Works wonders and best of all, I never spend a dime.  Majority of the time it's always to someone close by so not a lot of gas and I can use my money elsewhere.  This is a great idea.


4.    Recycle:  Now this is one I like, but not in the since they were talking about.  Stop throwing away stuff that’s not strait up garbage.  There are plenty of people who can take old junk and make it into something out there that’s useful, practical, and best of all dirt cheap!  I understand people don't want a cluttered house, so put an ad in a local paper and give it away to someone who wants it, or go into my favorite method; BARTER!  Trade your junk to someone who wants it for something you can use.  Look you both saved money. 


5.    Pay it forward:  Helping others out without being asked.  If you don't already do that than your just another person not assisting in the recovery of our society.  In order for us as a people to make it in the future, I see it as we are going to have to go back to the old days of pioneer life where everyone has a place, helps out everyone, and doesn't charge a dime.  Maybe trade goods for service, but in the end if we want to make it then the modern age of thinking needs to take a step back into the history books a few hundred years where they lived properly without money and politics, and stocks, and glorified mansions with perfect grass.


6.    Do not hurt the individual:  Love this, unfortunately history has proven this virtually impossible, but if more people could see how much better life was helping instead of hurting, maybe we could make that change.  Most criminals do it to survive, but if we could fix the economical crisis then less people would have to fight over territory, drugs, women, ext and they could sustain their family with a hard honest living.


7.    Donate Blood:  Yes it is still good for global catastrophes like Katrina, or the upcoming Super typhoon about to hit Japan.  Just remember why your donating blood.  Do it for the injured and sick around the world. 


8.    Buy a wristband:  I would rather mail my dollar strait to the foundation asking for money than to buy a wristband that cost them 25 cents to make and is a complete waste of a resource.  I have yet to figure out how a wristband is going to help me fix society.  If someone can give me a reasonable and logical explanation to how a wristband is going to help "Change the world", I will personally send you a dollar.  Yes it's just a dollar, but it’s a dollar you didn’t have.


9.    Support animal welfare:  This is a touchy subject especially for all the PETA fans I may lose after this comment.  If someone didn't want us to eat meat like cows, pigs, chickens…then the chickens should have been able to fly, the pigs and cows should of not been so fat so they could run away.  I support people who are against abuse of household pets but not wild animals.  Our oldest ancestors didn't survive by eating rice, salads, and potatoes.                       

10.                       Be an Advocate:  This is strait from the website;  Organize fundraisers to help raise money for your chosen charity or cause. And if you can't raise money, just add your voice to those already campaigning to end poverty, war, injustice, sexism, racism, or corruption in the world.  Ok the only part I am going to agree with is voice your opinion, but do it in a manner that will make a difference.  Don't go out there and riot!!!  That gets you nowhere but a 6x8 concrete box.  Study your constitution and bill of rights carefully.  Most people have missed the big key loopholes in there that can make a difference between just a rally or a life changing event.  More on that topic for the future.


11.                       Organ Donor:  Also good, if you're dead why do you care what happens to your rotting corpse.  Imagine it this way.  Say you're dying and you need a heart and the asshole down the hall crashed his bike killing himself and didn't donate his organs, but he is the most perfect match possible for you.  A week later you die due to someone's selfish acts and they aren’t even alive.  Food for thought.


12.                       Laugh and Smile:  HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA  J   tell me how I just changed society and saved the world?.......its healthy for us to laugh and smile with each other, but not a very full effort effect to changing society unless we were all comedians.


So now that I have shown you the majority of the crap I found online let me give you my own list in a very simple version.


1.    Barter/Recycle Everything:  Use your resources to obtain what you need to survive without spending money.  Just go Hillbilly! 

2.     Go back to pioneer days, work together:  Don't rely on the Govt to help you.  Go back to the days when we as people use to fend for ourselves out there and rely on our neighbors to help us out.  Some parts around the world, to include America, this method is still used and they are usually the ones who flourish the best.

3.    If the Govt isn't helping do it yourself:  Don't wait for someone in the Govt to help you out.  Go find other people that support your change and go make it happen(within legal limits)

4.    Before action study the rules:  I don't want someone going out there and making the wrong decisions.  Go read the laws about your problem and find the loophole.  There is always a loophole.

5.    STOP BEING LAZY!:   If you expect to be able to sit on your couch all day and watch the rest of the world change society for you, then you don't deserve anything it brings.  If you don't help, don't expect anything in return.

6.    Confront your Govt if you're not happy:  If you don't like something go change it!  Start at the bottom and work your way up.  People will recognize your efforts as long as you keep trying.  Someone will hear your voice.

7.    Don't quit:  If people always quit then we wouldn't have anything.  If George Washington, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, or Thomas Edison quit early, who knows what age of time we would have been in.  they stood up for what they believed and made a difference, so can you!


So this is my simple and most effective way to fix society.  It's your choice as a person to either stand up, or stay lazy.  My next blog Is undecided at this time, so if anyone has an idea or opinion to share please feel free and I can talk about it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Trying to make puzzle pieces fit where they don't belong

The Puzzle that world leaders still can't put together


World leaders of all types; Presidents, Kings, Queens, Lords, Parliaments, Rulers, Tribal Leaders, Warlords, Free Masons, Emperors, Popes, Princes, Princess. Doesn't matter what they are referred to from society, not a single one of them in today's age knows how to successfully run a country that can co-inside with the rest of the world without going to war, stealing oil, taking land, assisting other countries in civil wars instead of restoring order. In the past 100 years since World War I, the average country in the world has assisted in some type of war at least once, some (like America) feel like they need to assist in everything and control all. In my opinion, and probably many others, we tried to solve that problem after the first major war when we as a world put into order NATO. NATO is (or was) suppose to be the peace keepers of the world. members from all countries who elect to participate, unless shunned, come together to solve the world's problems. So tell me why is it the US still gets involved in every major conflict in the world, not NATO, Tries to make peace talks with other neighboring countries at war, not NATO, and still tries to tell every country besides a very select few that they cannot hold nuclear weapons...not NATO. Does anyone else see a recurring problem here?

NATO should be in charge of the box with all the puzzle pieces in it and before trying to place one somewhere, ask the rest of the society where it should go, more than likely they know where it fits better than they do anyway. to make matters better, stop letting the US touch the pieces, slap their hands and say NO! When a new piece is placed, let's take for instance the new problem in Libya. Everything there has been calm since they elected a new Muslim president in Egypt...good for them! Then some cracker head asshole with a name that doesn't exist anywhere makes a movie bashing Islam...C'mon like we haven't done enough bad rep to their name as it is. So, they revolt in anger and take it out on the US Embassy and kill the diplomat...can anyone guess what's going to happen next? NATO is going to fix it...WRONG! The US sends warships and marines. WOW I am sooooo shocked....not really. First of all what should of taken place is movies bashing religion of any type should be outlawed because I guarantee if they made a movie about catholic priests being gay and molesting children they would of done the same thing, revolt. Since its already taken place, the US needs to stop trying to show off their super force to the world and just charge at every country that threatens us and attempt to resolve the situation with a little known fact to most political figures and "Communicate with the people, listen, and do what they ask" more than likely that could have diverted a couple of war ships and saved Americas ever-growing debt from a few million to a Skype conversation, maybe cost like five bucks a month, I don't know I never use it.

So where does all this tie into the puzzle of the world. Well its simple the puzzle is that 99% of world leaders don't listen and act on what their people ask for. They try to do what THEY BELIEVE is in our best interests but ultimately fail the majority of the time. Instead of trying to cram a piece where it doesn't belong, think about where it goes first, look at the surrounding, the pros and cons of putting that piece there. Sometimes it's better to start at one end of a puzzle than another or do the outer edge first and then the rest will slowly fall into place. Just like the Leaders of the world should do.

· First put together your edge; Find out what the overlying problem is with your country and fix that first.

· if you find a piece that fits inside the edge, hold it off to the side; Don't divert from your original plan, it only screws it up worse and then you lose track of your goal

· once the edge is complete, use the pieces you set off to the side; Now that your society is back in a stable balance and working again, keep it going by fixing the other problems

· Last, fill in the remaining gaps and watch your puzzle fall into place; Your society is stable again, now add the good parts and watch it flourish

LOOK! A complete puzzle, and you didn't even have to jam a single piece into place. Now if I could only get this 4th grade lesson into a few brains of our world leaders, maybe we could un-screw our world for our future generation instead of leaving them with broken puzzle pieces, stained in blood, too broke to buy the ones we lost, and ridiculed with bullet holes, deficits, and shattered economies.

I hope someone reads this today and just realizes how easy it can be to fix even the toughest problems in the world, even if it's been stewing for over 100 years.

And Please pass this Blog on to as many people as you can. we need the whole world to come together if we are going to fix this problem ourselves since our leaders won't do it. So I think my next post will be about how we as a world society can do even the smallest of things to start and turn our world around. I am also open to discuss other topics anyone may have out there. If you do happen to not agree with anything I have said, that fine you're not going to hurt my feelings.

First step twards my eternal footprint on society

My footprint on society


Hello world. My name is not important at this time, but you may call me Victor V. I am here to put out my ideas out to the world and change society's way of thinking and working forever. I have many ideas that have been stored away in my brain for a long time, but with the current economical crisis the world has thrown at the new generation I feel that I must stand up and make a change. A change that will forever balance out the world and fix the many economical problems we currently face today.

Before I get too in depth with my plan I want to tell everyone a little about myself. I am a young entrepreneur. I currently am developing my own business to boost the economy one worker at a time and studying Business and Marketing. I choose to skip the stock market since its nothing but a waste of time, effort, and money, but I will get into that another day. I also am extremely well diverced in computers. I have stepped a long ways since my early days as a child making computer games and typing code on my Windows 3.1 computer with MS DOS. I can now use just about every type of computer code out there. I am also an inspiring mathematician. I never did very well in school when it came to math, but in my recent years I have found a new inspiration to learn every type of math I can and am now working on the complex problems of Quantum Mechanics. I am also a strong believer in meditation, it heals the soul and body and can give you divine inspirations at times when you are well connected. I don't see the world as many others do. they live life every day, go to work, eat, sleep, and repeat...I see the world as a big broken puzzle that needs to be fixed before some angry old man swipes all the pieces to the floor because it's too hard to put back together. The only problem with this big ass puzzle is you almost need to combine the algorithm, the M theory, all of Newton's laws, and the big bang theory with a splash of religion, war, death, life, misguidance, and gorilla glue to make everything fit together and stay there.

At this I will let you stew on what you have just read for a few minutes and continue typing about the world leaders and how they try to force "The Puzzle Pieces of the World" into place.