Tuesday, September 18, 2012


the building block of...everything.

Math is the most important tool at anyone's disposal throughout life.  People criticize how you will never use the stuff you are taught in school, like math.  I would like to prove them wrong.  Math is used everywhere, for everything, by everyone.  You use it at the store, at home, playing games, on your computer, its everywhere.  As strong of a subject as it its, it's not very well pressed by schools in America.  Now why is this?  America, the land of the free and the strong, would also believe it to be the land of the smart too.  Not entirely true.  On the scale of the global school system, the US was rated at 17th for science and math.  That’s horrible.  It's bad when a "super Power" like the US is beat out by a third world country living in grass and mud huts doing trigonometry. 
So why is America at such a low?  Why are there students so dumb?  Well partial is to blame on two fronts.  The first is the parents, the supporters of the kids.  Parents should always be pushing their children at very young ages to learn more and have a successful life, but this is usually not the case.  Which brings me to the second half, Social Media AKA, personal technology.  Students are so lazy these days.  They can be given homework and go Google all the answers and never miss a beat of their favorite TV show, or social media frenzy.  As horrible as it sounds kids should be banned from all technological devices while at school and at home during the school year.  All its doing is corrupting their minds.  People can argue that the internet may help students achieve more since they are able to have more info at their fingertips, but I will argue that every city has a library, tell them to use their fingertips and flip open a book.  Einstein didn't become smart with Google, his smarts came from reading books and studying. 
But back to math, it's one of the only subjects that I believe schools should enforce a b- or better to pass and graduate high school.  Yes this may sound harsh, but I am embarrassed for all the people I have meet over my travels of the world who can't do simple math.  94% of Americans I have meet cannot do some/all forms of simple math, but other countries citizens are able to do complex math equations in seconds without blinking.  It's incredible.  Lets share a short story.  I helped a friend out a couple years ago that was American with a test he had coming up.  It was all simple algebra and a few minor calculus questions.  Some of it was even pre-algebra, and he couldn't even get a 10% on the practice test.  It took me 2 weeks of constant studying with him day and night to get him to a 80% pass rate on the test.  The same day he took his test, a Australian fella was in there taking the test as well.  He scored an 82% while the man from Australia got a 99%.  This was the first time I realized how bad Americans couldn't do math. 
So here is my proposement!  This is for everyone of my readers, I challenge you to go a step ahead in your math level within the next 6 months.  There is no tangible prize or reward for this other than the fact that you are now that much smarter than the rest of the people around you.  For those who have feel they have reached their maximum math proficiency, Mostly people who have done Quantum Mechanics, I have a challenge for you as well.  Solve the math equation at the top of this post and then tell me what type of equation it is and what theory it is used for and who made it.  If you can complete all that then I will give you a math equation that took me 3 years to solve and see how good you can do.  No cheating!  Challenge yourself to these challenges, don't give up, no online searching for anything, use only books and calculators.  Good Luck!

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